Tuesday, April 29, 2008

10 on Tuesday...What Alaska is really like

Pretty much without fail when folks find out I've spent 'quality time' in Alaska they always ask a ton of questions to try and figure out what it's like. It's truly a special place, in more ways than one...when a former collegue forwarded this Jeff Foxworthy-esque list I couldn't help but laugh and think it's perfect for describing life in Alaska.

1. If someone in a Home Depot store offers you assistance and they don't work there, you may live in Alaska.

2. If you've worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you may live in Alaska.

3. If you've had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you may live in Alaska.

4. If you measure distance in hours, you may live in Alaska.

5. If you know several people who have hit a moose more than once, you may live in Alaska.( I am pleased to say I am not one of these, but have been late to work more than once because a moose was in the driveway)

6. If you have switched from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day and back again, you may live in Alaska .

7. If you can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching, you may live in Alaska.

8. If you carry jumpers in your car and your wife knows how to use them, you may live in Alaska.

9. If you design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you may live in Alaska.

10. If the speed limit on the highway is 55 mph -- you're going 70 and everybody is passing you, you may live in Alaska.

Bonus round...
If driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you may live in Alaska.

If you know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction, you may live in Alaska.

If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you may live in Alaska.

If you find 10 degrees 'a little chilly', you may live in Alaska.


  1. Those are great! My only exposure (sorry) to Alaska is a certain TV show starring Rob Morrow.
