Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sneaky Peak Part 1

ooh, I got my first Kraft Girls kit in the mail today...I had it delivered to work so I knew it would get delivered, only downside...I wanted to leave and play and it was only 1pm so that wasn't a choice(drat!). I snuck a couple of peaks in the office and a closer look on the way home (sorry to the drivers behind me @ the Holly light).

Finally, I got home and busted it all out and started to plan, I think some fun and a little different for me layouts are in store.

Here's a couple of sneaks from my first layout... Clue #1 the kit includes some 'elusive' letters from a favorite company, in a favorite color, in a favorite 'material'.

and flowers, you can never have enough flowers...especially whimsical ones.
Start saving your lunch money kids, you're going to want this kit...


  1. Fun sneak peeks! Can't wait to see the full lo's! I did 2 last night.

  2. Gorgeous sneaks!! I've got some up too and I'm just loving this kit!

  3. Fabu! I see some Paper Whimsies from Sass...

  4. Oooh, I do like what I see...
