Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Spread the Word

Once upon a time in a land far, far away (aka 1996) I discovered a fabulous scrapbook how-to book called Core Composition it's teachings have stuck with me through out the many phases and styles of my scrapping 'career'. So sorry, it's out of print now...but the author is going stronger than ever and moved on to much 'big'ger things.

Why yes the author of this fab spiral bound book is none other than Stacy Julian and guess what she's coming to Denver and wants to meet scrappers Yay! Now we...and by we I mean you...yes you because I've already done my bit...need to convince her that Scrapbook Destination is the place to be.

So what do you need to do...it's simple
1. Post a comment to Stacy's blog and tell her why you love Scrapbook Destination
2. Tell all your friends, tweet it up, use facebook, even carrier pigeons if you must to have them post on her blog.

Thanks friends!

1 comment:

  1. That damn pigeon keeps eating my brownies... I am NOT using him for anything else. I did my bit and I think it's working;)
