Saturday, March 29, 2008

Are You in the Right Place?

Yes you are...I just spent some time making my blog more me(not that pink isn't me, but I thought it was time for some 'white' space). I couldn't sleep last night and so I started surfing random blogs. I was totally inspired by some and realized my design really sucked.

This isn't perfect, but given my limited experience with web design code, this is about my limit. Big kudos and full credit for header design are to Heidi Grace...I just scanned the paper and added the title and some butterflies.(yep the only brush I have AND know how to use in PS) I'm sure this is stretching the definition of 'personal use' in copyright land. I gave her credit again at the bottom of the blog. Here's crossing my fingers I don't get sued.


  1. NO, i absolutely like the new banner! i'll miss those 'other' chicks, LIKE WHATEVER - tee, hee! it's a tribute to spring - BRING IT! hugs, rach

  2. I am impressed! It looks great!
