Monday, August 31, 2009

August Leftovers

I had a little self conflict yesterday posting sneaks, knowing full well that I had several layouts done in August that I haven't posted, some of you who know me well know I am all about order and routine, so you understand the inner conflict. Certainly not all are post worthy, but there were a few that I absolutely loved and felt they needed a little room in the spotlight. So since there is one more day left in the month I thought I'd squeeze them in...

The first one was for the August sketch...contest ends TONIGHT, just in case you're incredibly motivated...
she is...

Playing around with scraps...look out...if something is standing still I might just hit it with some metallic mist as is what happened with the thickers and flowers in this layout...
Alaska Baby

The 'rule follower' in me says I should teach her now that slides aren't for going up and that's dangerous, but the 'embrace the cuteness' me trumped that voice...

Hard to believe it's been almost a year...


  1. YUMMY. these are awesome c, simply awesome!

  2. ADORABLE!!! i esp love that "going up" layout! hehe. :) great photo!


  3. wow, you really used up some scraps!! these kits go far, don't they?! great layouts :)
